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  • Day 3

    50 sec on, 10 sec off // 3 rounds

    Equipment: booty band
    - R banded glute kickbacks
    - L banded glute kickbacks
    - R banded knee drives
    - L banded knee drives
    - hamstring curls
    - R ankle pulses
    - L ankle pulses
    - glute bridge banded hip openers

  • Day 4

    50 sec on, 10 sec off // 3 rounds

    Equipment: Bench or Box, 10 lb, plates
    - plated step downs forward back and side
    - R split stance lunge w/ heel elevated
    - L split stance lunge w/ heel elevated
    - R bent over lunge taps
    - L bent over lunge taps
    - R weighted calf raises
    - L weighted calf raises

  • Day 5

    50 sec on, 10 sec off // 3 rounds

    - R bulgarian split squat power extension
    - L bulgarian split squat power extension
    - R sit to lift
    - L sit to lift
    - plated side to side hops
    - swinging squats
    - R bench side plank hip dips
    - L bench side plank hip dips